Tomorrow we are presenting a social media workshop to the fabulous people of Scottsdale. I can’t wait to share some tips on using social media in their businesses. Thanks to the internet and now to social media isolation is no longer a hinderance to getting your business “out there”. The world is now everyones market place, which means to do well you must actually learn to market well. The key to great marketing is to research your clients/customers, to really know who they are.. One extension of this is to understand where they ‘hang out’ online?
This is where Social Media steps in – your clients and customers are hanging out right now on their preferred social media platform. They might be posting a status on facebook using their smart phone, pinning a picture of their latest creation at Pinterest or adding some more details to their Linked In profile.. In many ways Social Media is becoming the new ‘web’, people often go onto the internet in order to access their Social Media platform. As business owners its important that we understand this and that our products/services also exist in the same Social Media platforms.. Our Social Media workshops are all about this 🙂
Our presentation in Scottsdale tomorrow is just the beginning of a Social Media blitz in the North East of Tassie. On 27th March we are in Derby and on the 3rd of April we are in Bridport. If you are interested in attended these workshops Business and Employment, Launceston are co-ordinating them (Victoria Pullen) – you can register online here: Business and Employment or by a freecall: 1800 709 552. These workshops are FREE..